Via Nicola Persico, 9 - 23

Gioia del Colle (BA), Italy

Via Giosuè Carducci, 23

Cortenuova (BG), Italy

Ball Proof Steel Grating

Il grigliato antisfera o antibiglia è appositamente progettato per impedire il passaggio di piccoli oggetti attraverso le maglie del grigliato

Ball proof grating (20mm ball)

Ball-proof grating,  is specially designed to prevent small objects from falling through the grating, used for platforms and walkways, mounted at height. Ball-proof grating  panels are widely used in both industrial and civil construction sectors to ensure that small objects larger than 20mm in diameter are retained by the grating mesh for the safety of people passing at the level below or to prevent damage to equipment located on lower floors.

Ball-proof grating produced by Emmegi offer exceptional strength qualities; they are  made of 22 x 38  mm and 22×76 mm mesh.

Grating sizing, load tables :

Ball-proof grating mesh 22mm

Production range

  • Material UNI EN 10250  S235JR or S355JR
  • Bearing bars: flat or serrated type
  • Cross bars: twisted square bars